This delicious basic cookie recipe is nothing more or less than a shortbread recipe. And you can make lots of different, delicious cookies from it. Read on and I will tell you all about my love for these Dutch sand cookies (Zandkoekjes as we call them) and give you my baking tips.
What are Dutch sand cookies?
Let me first start by explaining why the Dutch call shortbread cookies, sand cookies. It’s not surprising really if you think about it. Sand cookies crumble easily and the texture of the cookie is more or less similar to sand or a sandy texture. And that’s all there is to the name of sand cookies/zandkoekjes.
Maybe you have heard of Pennsylvania Dutch sand tarts before. These are essentially the same as Dutch sand cookies but are made into a very thin variation which makes them extra crisp. Many times something is pressed in the center of each cookie as well or there is a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar on top of the cookies. The recipe below makes for thicker cookies but if you want to make the Pennsylvania Dutch sand cookies you roll it out very thinly and bake for about 8-10 minutes instead of the 16 minutes I give below.
Making shortbread
Perhaps my favorite basic recipe: shortbread cookies! I can fill a day baking (and eating!) all kinds of shortbread cookies. I’m also never short of inspiration and always come up with new recipes. Often based on this basic crispy cookie recipe.
You can really go either way with this base. Use cocoa powder for quick chocolate cookies or add chocolate chips for deliciously crunchy chocolate chip cookies. Or maybe you want to add dried fruit to the shortbread dough? Turn them into Christmas cookies, cut out cookies or whatever other cookie you prefer.
I have so many different cookies I made already using this basic recipe for Dutch sand cookies and you will soon find many more! These cranberry orange thumbprint cookies are just an example of what is to come!
What kind of delicious cookies will you make with this basic recipe?