Making my own puff pastry had been on my bucket list for years. It wasn’t until my 3th book that was all about making delicious snacks and appetizers that I got started making my own rough puff pastry.
In my head making puff pastry dough was really complicated but in fact it was absolutely not complicated. And the good thing is you really only need four ingredients. Flour, butter, water and salt.
Easy puff pastry (rough puff pastry)
Let me first start by explaining what the difference is between rough puff and regular or classic puff pastry:
- the classic version of making puff pastry is by adding an entire block of butter to the dough which you then start laminating and making turns to create the flaky layers.
- Rough puff is different as you add the butter already to the flour. So essentially it is a butter-rich dough that behaves like actual puff pastry.
In terms of flavor both are equally delicious and you will still get a very flaky pastry. So that’s what the difference between the two is. And the easy version is of course less work.
As you might have guessed the method we are highlighting here today is the rough puff pastry. It’s absolutely perfect for making loads of puff pastry recipes!