Making your own homemade vanilla extract is incredibly easy to do and will save you a lot of money too in the process. The only thing you need is whole vanilla beans, a bottle of vodka and some patience. Oh and a dark place would be handy to have too.
Homemade vanilla extract
You’ve probably noticed that the price of vanilla is incredibly high these days. Not only have vanilla beans gone up in price, but so have all vanilla products. This is due to several poor vanilla harvests combined with huge demand.
To give you an example, in November 2017, I bought a 118ml bottle of vanilla extract for 14.90 euros. Less than two weeks later, you paid almost €10 more for it.
Currently, the cheapest vanilla extract is the one you make yourself. You make a bigger investment at the beginning, but you get a lot for your money. Besides, making your own vanilla extract is not difficult at all, you only need 2 ingredients. And some patience. Let me show you how to make your own DIY vanilla extract!