First or second rise in the fridge?
In my search, I soon found out that you can stick to different ways of proofing in the fridge. As you may know, most breads rise twice. The first rise is immediately after kneading and is called the bulk rise. The second rise occurs after the bread is shaped. After this second rise, the bread goes into the oven.
One of the two rises can be done in the refrigerator. I prefer to do the second rise in the refrigerator, because then I have very little to do in the morning to get a fresh slice of bread. That’s why I explain the process this way.
If you want to do the first rise in the fridge, the principle is the same, only you form the dough after the first rise in the fridge and the second rise is outside the fridge.
Fun fact: In the Netherlands: we LOVE bread, or ‘brood’ as we call it. Most Dutch people will lunch with a ‘broodje kaas’, a slice of bread with cheese. We also have all kinds of sweet sandwich toppings, with chocolate sprinkles as the most well known and popular option. It’s delicious, I can recommend trying it sometime.
Thank you for all the tips! You anseered myconcerns. Have a blessed day!